Adult German Shepherd dogs for sale
Father: SG1 (World Champion) IPO3, Kkl, a1/a1 (ZW 81) (VA9 Lennox von Regina Pacis son)
Mother: V12 (World), VA1 USA IPO2, Kkl, a2/a1 (ZW 88) (VA6 Etoo aus Wattenscheid daughter)
Pablo is an up and coming young male - expressive, and with stunning, glowing-red markings. He is powerfully built, with high whither, correct angulation front and back, and powerful, fluent movement, so typical of her world famous parents. Pablo is out of the best female in the USA VA1 Wiva vom Zellwldrand and the young world champion himself, Arre vom Hühnegrab. Pablo has a stellar temperament - absolutely loyal, self- confident, friendly and approachable, and yet with all the right drives to complete his training. He is expertly trained and ready for his BH, as well as has excellent house manners, travels well, and is in perfect health. Additional pictures: .
Danka is our latest addition, imported from Serbia, and she boasts stellar German world class pedigree, being a daughter of the World Excellent Select Enosh, and both of her grandfathers being World Champions. Danka is a well pigmented medium sized female with correct proportions, good angulations and free movement. She is an affectionate and very sweet dog, and is a favorite with the kids visiting the kennel. |
Enzo is an exceptional male with deep pigment, intense red color, masculine expressive face, and excellet harmony of build. Energetic and fluent mover, he recently took 1st place at a competitive show in Florida. He is breed surveyed for life and along with his own qualities, offers a stellar pedigree with double World Champions Remo vom Fichtenschlag as his father and Vegas as his grandfather. With excellent working qualities (video available), and solid temperament, this is a unique opportunity to add a fantastic, accomplish stud dog to your breeding program, and a top quality gorgeous male to your family. |
Niwa is a gorgeously put together youngster with powerful head, dark, expressive eyes, correct body proportions, and excellent top line with strong back. Powerfully built with strong bone, she should grow to be a correct, medium sized female. She is a fireball of energy at this age, just the way an awesome GSD puppy should be. Her father stunned me this year at the world show both with his looks and performance, and I'm thrilled to add such a gem of a dog as Niwa to our program. Niwa won and was crowned Siegerin at the USA Sieger show 2016 in a 9-12 months class! |
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Loki is a large and substantial male, striking with his expressive face and imposing features. He is a very intelligent, loving, and affectionate dog who wants to follow you everywhere. He is playful, outgoing, and a very pleasant companion. Trained in obedience, a good house dog, Loki comes from a line of very healthy dogs. His mom is our proven producer Jana von Lotta and his father is the perfect compliment to her with his features and temperament. Loki has a very interesting pedigree free from Remo, Vegas, and Quenn. |
Netzer is a rare red sable German Show male of medium size, correct proportions, substantial, and with powerful bone. Along with his incredible pedigree (all four grandparents are VA - Excellent Select), he brings to the table absolutely correct size, fantastic health, and character that is hard to match. Netzer is a confident and self-sure, powerful, yet extremely eager to please dog. His love of life and constant happy demeanor and good mood will always make your day. Additional pictures: , , . |
Pascalla is a stunning, show quality, powerfully built, young female out of the best female in the USA VA1 Wiva vom Zellwldrand and the young world champion himself, Arre vom Hühnegrab. Pascalla has a solid temperament with self confidence, desire to please and good drives. Pascalla is well pigmented, with dark eyes, and shows powerful, fluent movement so typical of her world famous parents. Excellent dog for a family. |
Qutie has fantastic type with dark eyes and mask, beautiful deep red color, smart, mischievous expression, and excellent coat. Qutie is of medium size but powerfully built, and shows considerable harmony of build. She has high wither, pleasant topline with long croup, excellent chest proportions, and she demonstrates powerful, fluent, ground-covering movement. Intelligence, good drives and watchfulness make her fun to work with and train. Qutie's pedigree is absolutely the top of what GSD world has to offer today, combining VA Furbo, VA Alisha, VA Vegas (VA Quenn, VA Zamp, VA Pakros), VA Orbit vom Hühnegrab. Qutie is available as a watchful family dog. Additional pictures: , , , . |
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Ulme "Sheba" is a strikingly beautifil, very large and substential female with expressive dark eyes and fantastic color and markings. She is everything a well bred GSD should be: playful, enthusiastic, very healthy, and happy. Her face lights up when she gets to meet new people, she is very obedient, and loves to play fetch. Perfect dog for an active family or anyone looking for a loving, loyal companion and a hiking partner. Linebreeding 4-4 on VA1 (World Champion) Ursus von Batu. |
Hamlet von Lotta is a fiery beauty of a GSD, and is a gorgeous young representative of the breed. He is large, harmoniously put together, with high wither, strong back, and beautiful movement. He has a very lively temperament, and loves to play and spend time with his people. He is trained in obedience and will do anything for treats, is house and crate trained, and travels well in the car. He is protective of his family, but reacts well to meeting strangers on a neutral territory. . |
Mila is a very darkly pigmented red sable female with a well balanced, correct structure. She is exceptionally talented, demonstrates a very strong and confident character and is an alert, energetic dog. She has high drive, full and calm grip, and is a true star in IPO. Her father, Keanu, is a Regional (LGA) SchH3 Sieger 2010 and is a son of world-famous BSP participant Ellute von der Mohnwiese, combining blood of SchH3 World Sieger (WUSV) Tom van't Leefdaalhof and V-rated BSP participant Yoschy von der Döllenwiese, my favorite working line producers. The mother, Qualle, is a granddaughter of V Nick vom Heiligenbösch, SchH3 (V-BSP, WUSV 3rd place), FH1, who goes back to V-BSP Fero. There is no linebreeding in Mila's 5 generation pedigree. With bloodlines as strong as these, we are thrilled to add a true working dog to our team! Mila's training with her co-owner Josh Markow is truly impressive. |
Jessy is a very powerfully built, robust female with strong bone, expressive, powerful, but feminine head, and solid, harmonious structure. Her color is red sable, which is very rare in German Show lines. She has dark eyes, very strong pigment and mahogany red markings, which make her stand out even more. She has a very sweet and friendly personality and loves to play, yet she is a good protector. We were looking for 2 years to add a sable female to our family, and are very excited about Jessy. Jessy placed VP3 at the North American Sieger Show 2009, leaving 14 gorgeous puppies behind. In addition, her full brother "Junior" became the North American Sieger! She also has a national-level winning progeny from her 1st litter. More pictures: , , , , , . |
Figo is one of the most handsome males I've had the pleasure to be around - very harmoniously put together, with strong masculine head, deep red color and dark pigment, perfect structure and powerful movement. He is ready for BH which is a German obedience and temperament test title, including off-leash obedience. Figo will make an incredibly handsome and loyal companion - he loves to play and spend time with his people. . |
Jana is substantial and powerful, with dark eyes and lively, intelligent expression. Deep red markings add to the beauty of her very full coat. She has excellent structure, high in the withers with beautiful topline. She is a very happy, outgoing female, with fantastic drives. We look long and hard for dogs that are not only gorgeous but will also work, and Jana is such a find. While in our training program she showed unbelievable focus and instant responses to commands in her energetic performance, and achieved her SchH1 title at the earliest possible age. Jana was rated V8 at the USA Sieger Show 2012 in a very competitive class! VA1 (World Champ.) Zamp vom Thermodos and VA2 (Vice World Champ.) Odin vom Holtkämper Hof lines. video of Jana as a puppy! |