German Shepherd
Where to adoption a German Shepherd?
All German Shepherd Dogs require ongoing mental and physical stimulation, as well as HUMAN COMPANIONSHIP, SOCIALIZATION AND TRAINING. This is not a breed to be left out in the yard, away from its family, isolated or deprived of touch or attention. GSDs are not couch potatoes and they will insist on interacting with their person or family. They will not thrive as a kennel or…
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German Shepherd Rescue in PA
This is Jethro, a lively 7 month old border collie mix. I think he looks like he has some German Shepherd in him. He went to La Mancha Animal Rescue in Coatesville, PA. This was an interesting trip, because he and Charlie both wanted in the backseat with me!
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Shepherd Rescue Maryland
Dog adoption saves lives. Adopt a dog and you ll have a friend for life! Contact us, or contact another local humane society, animal shelter or SPCA. Cities, Towns, and/or Counties We Serve: Maryland, DC, Northern Va and Southern Pa About Our Rescue Group: We are a group of German Shepherd lovers who help homeless German Shepherds that are in dire straits and need rescue. We…
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German Shepherds
Derived from the old breeds of herding and farm dogs, and associated for centuries with man as servant and companion, the German Shepherd Dog has been subject to intensive development. Sponsored by the Verein fur Deutsche Schaferhunde, the parent club of the breed founded in 1899 in Germany, the cult of the Shepherd spread rapidly from about 1914 onward in many parts of the…
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Pictures of German Shepherd Pups
Cottonwood German Shepherds - german shepherd puppies white german
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Czechoslovakian German Shepherd
Lately, I have been getting more visitors on this blog, which I have dedicated to the German Shepherd dog; something for which I’m grateful. So thanks for coming back if you have already read one of my posts before and thanks for coming for the first time if that is the case. In earlier posts I mentioned that the breed has many varieties and types consistent with the standard…
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German Shepherd sub breeds
Breed Popularity Ranking #2 Breed Group Herding Group Average Weight 50-88 lbs (approx.) Country of Origin Germany Personality Traits Dauntless, intelligent, devoted Coat Short - Medium The German Shepherd Dog is a large-sized breed belonging to the herding group of working dogs. Intelligent as it is versatile, this breed was originally developed in Germany to guard and herd…
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German Shepherd exercise requirements
And how do you provide it? What is your routine? I am just trying to get a clear picture of what owning a GSD is like, as we are strongly considering getting one. Would love to hear how you deal with exercising your dog! Thanks. It is constant. If we skip a day, they become major pains in the behind. (I only skip if I m sick or it s pouring rain.) Mine are mixed, only 1/2…
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Dogs Shepherds
If I was considering an Anatolian Shepherd Dog, I would be most concerned about Providing enough exercise and mental stimulation. Anatolian Shepherds MUST have regular opportunities to vent their energy and do interesting things. Otherwise they will become rambunctious and bored - which they usually express by barking and destructive chewing. Bored Anatolians are famous for…
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German Shepherd Dog Aggression
Lots of my articles are plagiarized and altered on the web to market products and services. There are never ads running or anything for sale with my real articles. Try to stay with the ones that begin with in the URL box or find all my articles at ACC.htm. The most common non-medical problem that dog owners ask me about is aggression toward people and other dogs. There is enormous…
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