German Shepherd Dog Labrador Retriever mix
Our puppy is only 10 weeks and totally amazing with house training. She loves children and has a happy sweet laid back personality. I cannot get over how easy house breaking her has been. And she listens when I say no! Dream dog! weve found the sheprador to be an excellent fit with our family. he listens very well to commands, excellent with our young son and also excellent…
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Shepherd mix Rescue
Get a look at that nose! Blue is a Catahoula German Shepherd mix, rescued from Oklahoma from certain death. We call him blue. Not for his temperament but for his spots. This guy is huge! All the girls like to gang up on him
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Mixed German Shepherd
A hybrid dog, the German Shepherd Rottweiler mix is a cross between a Rottweiler and a German Shepherd. Some fear that crossing the two breeds will result in an aggressive dog, but with proper training, these dogs can be excellent companions for the entire family. Of course, before deciding to add this designer dog to your home, you’ll want to learn more about the dog and what…
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Mini German Shepherd mix
For those looking for the perfect protection dog, the Doberman German Shepherd Mix will definitely fit the bill. These high energy dogs are quick on their feet and have an amazing hearing. Considered a working breed, this compact dog has great muscle tone and is a very powerful animal. Adult dogs can weigh as much as 100 pounds or more and stand up to 24 inches in height. Both…
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Bernese Mountain Dog mixed with German Shepherd
By Jessica Remitz While cancer can unfortunately strike any breed of dog at any age, there are certain breeds that have higher instances of the disease. We’ve asked the experts to share breeds with higher rates of cancer, what types of cancer seem to be the most prevalent among these breeds, and dogs in general, and how to detect any health changes in your pet. Rottweiler A…
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Golden Shepherd mix
Hybrid dogs have become very popular within the last 20-30 years, and one hybrid dog is the German Shepherd Golden Retriever mix, also called the Golden Shepherd. These dogs have been combined in the hopes that the best characteristics of a German Shepherd and Golden Retriever will be combined, offering a better dog. These dogs have the potential to be excellent companions…
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Best German Shepherd Mixes
Tell us all about your GSD mix. Any kind of German Shepherd mix breed stories are welcome here - and pictures too please. Also, please make sure that your story is at least 250 words or more (more is even better too!). And just so you ll know, really short entries will not be accepted - sorry. So please check your word count accordingly. After all, once you start sharing, 250…
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German Shepherd Beagle mix puppies
First off I should say I train dogs a little and have my own personally trained GSD, who is very well behaved and happy. IDEA: What I’d try first is to alert him every time someone is at the door by asking “Is someone there?”/ “Who’s there?”. Use a happy voice, so s/he’ll be encouraged to yap/bark in response to you. After a couple of days, his instincts should start to kick…
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German Shepherd Husky mix puppies
The Gerberian Shepsky is a crossbreed that has developed by mixing the German Shepherd with the Siberian Husky dogs. Like all other crosses, this breed too possesses a mixture of the characteristics of both its parents. However, as a genetic rule, only the traits of one of the dominant breeds exclusively prevail in the resultant breed, and the Gerberian Shepsky too is no exception…
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Short haired German Shepherd mix
I have LC #2 & #3, and all of then have had parents with normal stock coats. As KayElle said, it s a recessive gene, so obviously all the parents had the gene or they would not ever produce coats in their litters. Dena s litter had 2 coats, Keefer, I believe, was the only coat in his litter, and Halo s litter also had 2. Whether or not such a pairing (your female to…
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German Shepherd and Beagle mix puppies
I took this shot of Mac, our new puppy, last October and thought it was worth a posting. He was about two and a half months old in this shot, helping us pass out Halloween candy on the front porch. Hes a German Shepherd / Beagle mix with plenty of energy and just graduated from his first set of puppy classes! More pictures to come
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