Should any Alsatian dog or puppies health problems occur it is advisable to raise any issuess you may have with a Veterinary Surgeon.
Information on Grooming and Care of the Alsatian Dog Breed
The Alsatian Dog requires weekly care and grooming. Grooming consists of not only brushing out the coat and bathing but also giving attention to the eyes, teeth, ears, feet and nails. A regular routine helps to ensure that any potential health problems are identified as quickly as possible, especially important in puppies and older Alsatian Dogs.
Life Expectancy information of the Alsatians
The life expectancy for the Alsation breed is 12 – 14 years.
Age comparison between the Alsatian Dog Breed and People
Age comparisons between dogs and people are always a matter of debate - we hope that the following information clarifies the situation. After the 1st of life, a dog is equivalent to 16 human years. After 2 years, they are equivalent to a 24 year old, at 3 years a 30 year old, and each year after, add 5 human years to determine a dog's equivalent age.
The Pictures reflect the Size of Adults - not Children and Puppies!
The pictures above allow for a useful comparison of sizes providing an accurate portrait of the size of an average Alsatian Dog - essential information but unique to this site. The size of puppys are considerably smaller and the full grown size of the canine can easily be forgotten when confronted with cute puppies! The slogan "A dog isn't just for Christmas - it's for life!" came about as a result of well meaning people buying puppies at the Xmas, unaware of the puppy's growth rate. The pictures provided make it very clear exactly how big puppies will grow and whether they will suit the living conditions of the family.
Alsatian Dog - Puppies Info and Names
The following considerations should be made when choosing puppies:
- Budget - Purchasing, training, equipment, medication and feeding costs of the breed
- Convenience and Grooming time e.g. long or short hair
- Personal situation - time available and medical conditions such as allergies etc
- Exercising requirement for the Alsatian Dog breed
- Living Condition for the dog breed - suitability for puppies
- Family - is the dog suitable for a child or an elderly person
Herding Dog Breed Information
Dogs in the Herding Group ( sometimes referred to as the Pastoral Group ) include the Alsatian, were developed to perform a variety of tasks relating mainly to the herding of livestock. The types of livestock that these dogs are associated with are quite diverse and include sheep, cattle, reindeer and any other cloven footed animals. The Herding groups of dogs are eminently suited to these pastoral tasks as many of the breeds have a weatherproof double coat to protect them from the elements when working in severe weather conditions. Their natural abilities have been fully recognised and the initial livestock herding function have been extended to include police work and Search & Rescue amongst other duties.