German Shepherd Dog House plans
The following are some breeds of dogs we have built dog houses for over the past twenty years. Please understand, dogs are like people.heights, weights and overall size vary individually. We always recommend that when there is a question of what size house to get for your dog, always choose bigger over smaller; especially with dogs that are not fully grown. You can get a dog into a house that is a little too big but you can not get a dog into a house that is too small! These recommended sizes are for Blythe Wood Works' dog houses.
Blythe Wood Works assumes "no" responsibility that your dog will fit in the house. Please either use our A B C sizing guide or call us at 800-928-9951 for further assistance.
Chihuahua Dachshund Maltese Miniature Pinscher Papillon Pekingese Pomeranian Poodle - toy Toy Fox Terrier Yorkshire Terrier MEDIUM:
Airedale Akita Portuguese Water Dog Alaskan Malamute Black and Tan Coon Hound American Bulldog Boxer Bloodhound Bull Terrier - Standard Bluetick Coonhound Doberman Pinscher Chesapeake Bay Retriever Rottweiler Collie Dalmatian Doberman Pinscher English Setter Foxhound German Shepherd German Shorthaired Pointer German Wirehaired Pointer Golden Retriever Old English Sheepdog Pointer Redbone Coonhound Weimaraner GIANT: